Hummingbirds are such beautiful, tiny creatures. They are a staple of wildlife watching from mid-April through September here in northwest Mississippi. We are proud to have a hummingbird feeder for participants to watch and help manage at the Day Services – Adult building.
One CLIMB participant in particular, Sonia, is the reason we have a hummingbird feeder. Sonia’s favorite part about the feeder is that she can sit outside and watch them fly and feed. She loves how they will fly in close, and she is able to watch their fast-moving wings. She has a similar feeder at her Supervised Living home where she also enjoys watching them.
If you are looking for an educational hummingbird activity in north Mississippi, check out the Strawberry Plains Audubon Center’s Hummingbird Migration & Nature Celebration each fall: https://strawberry.audubon.org/hummingbird.
If you would like to learn more about “Attracting Hummingbirds to Mississippi Gardens.” check out Mississippi State University’s Extension Services webpage: http://extension.msstate.edu/content/attracting-hummingbirds-mississippi-gardens.